This year's commercials were sub par, to say the very least.As I'm not a born sports fan, the Super Bowl really means nothing to me. The commercial breaks are always a breath of fresh air for this particular viewer.
Lets start with a few:
1) The Simpson's Coke Ad - What was the point? Sooooo.... Mr. Burns goes broke, looses everything, and wonders Springfield depressed and alone. Okay. And then suddenly everyone has a Coke. Okayyyyyy... and obviously Coke makes everyone happy, sooooo someone takes pity on Burns and shares and he's suddenly happy too...annnnnd... I still don't get it. What's the point? If Coke wanted to pair up with the Simpson's for an effective commercial (or even a full ad campaign), they should have put a little more time into the concept. This was just a failure.
2) Doritos Gym Ad - Really? Do I need to get in to how terrible this was? I'll give them credit, they started off strong. The two guys were funny at first glance - literally. But the second the semi-attractive one got hit with a Dorito hrowing star I lost interest.
3 Google's "Relationship Development" Ad - I'm sorry. But this was too sappy. Yes, the concept was clever. The idea was well executed. But the subject matter was predictable and ridiculous. Honestly... come on Google. We expect you to be clever and cutting edge... Prove us right!!
4) Denny's Ads - Oh jeez. Screaming chickens? What in the world were they thinking!? Really Denny's? Really? I'd say the only good thing about their commercials was the chicken in space. That was funny.
5) Ads - I understand that their campaign is based on selling domain names using hot women. I have nothing against it. But come on kids, this is the Super Bowl. Bring it! They did nothing more than they usually do in their commercials. Everyone's looking for something new and exciting, and more than not, something funny... Annnnd GoDaddy didn't deliver.
6) Taco Bell Ad featuring Charles Barkley/Lamar Odem - I'm not even going to touch this one.
Okay... for the record, I'm not a hateful person and there were some ads I thought were successful and hilarious:
1) Snickers featuring Betty White/Abe Vigoda - Hilarious (but the direct reference to her was a bit disappointing)
2) Bud Light House - All I have to say is "Oh here we go..." Brilliant
3) Kia Sorento featuring a collection of whimsical toys - Adorable, hilarious, memorable